bsurance highlights of 2022 — Bsurance

And just like that, 2022 is coming to an end. No doubt, this year has been challenging for all of us, but at the same time, it brought us new perspectives and appreciation for the things we have, speeding up our personal and business growth and adaptability in a currently rocky market. 

The InsurTech industry is constantly evolving, soaring to new heights and hitting a record for investments, with an increase of almost two hundred percent. In the meanwhile, the focus from incumbent insurers as well as from B2C business lines into Embedded Insurance to enhance their business models has grown continuously.  

For bsurance 2022 has been an exceptional year, full of stimulating events, new and exciting partnerships, as well as recognition. So before we all start preparing New Year’s resolutions and turn our gaze to 2023, let’s have a look back at bsurance’s year 2022. 

Return to In-person events

After almost two virtual pandemic years; the bsurance team was happy to return to in-person events, meeting old friends and getting to know new businesses and potential partners. Throughout the year, the bsurance team has visited nine countries, attending thirteen events. 

The year started off with the Semana del Seguro conference, gathering over 3 000 participants in Spain’s capital Madrid. The event list was followed by Europe’s largest and most influential InsurTech conference, InsurTech Insights, where bsurance´s Managing Director Hermann Fried participated in a panel discussion alongside industry leaders like Arma Karma, iptiQ, and wefox.

And let’s not forget bsurance attendance at the DIA Amsterdam and DIA Munich conferences, taking the stage in the Show&Tell sessions, with Gearbooker and Shayp case studies inspiring and connecting with the hundreds of attendees at the event. Besides the events mentioned above, our Business Development Manager Cisela Klahr conquered Northern Europe by attending some of the most prominent FinTech events – the Stockholm and Nordic Fintech weeks. 

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