Digital Health Unplugged Live: Rewired 2025 day one

In the first ever video version of Digital Health Unplugged, podcast host and reporter Jordan Sollof records live from day one of Rewired 2025 at the NEC in Birmingham.

After taking in the atmosphere of the show, Sollof speaks to speakers, session chairs and exhibitors to find out about their hot topics for digital and data this year.

Sollof catches up with Damian Pearce, chief commercial officer at Stalis to chat about the impact of AI on healthcare and some of the highlights on the AI and Data Stage.

Next Alan Payne, group product and engineering director at Rewired 2025 co-sponsor, The Access Group, discusses the key takeaways from his earlier session on ‘Putting people at the heart of health and social care’ on the Integrated Care Stage.

Sollof asks Lee Rickles, chief information officer at Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust, about the government’s disbandment of NHS England and the possible impact on the digital health sector.

Rickles also discusses the sessions he is chairing on ‘Putting people at the heart of health and social care’ and ‘Enhancing cross-sector partnerships: From primary to communities’.

Finally, Sollof joins Paul Deffley, UK chief medical officer at Alcidion at the company’s stand to discuss what will be coming up at his day two session on ‘Transforming clinical support with digital systems and platforms’, which will take place on the Best Practice Showcase Stage.


Lee Rickles, chief information officer at Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust

Damian Pearce, chief commercial officer at Stalis

Alan Payne, group product and engineering director at The Access Group

Paul Deffley, UK chief medical officer at Alcidion

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