Review the finalists and then join us to cast your vote live on 7th November at 1:00 PM EST
Insurer Innovation Awards
We are really excited to announce finalists for the Americas region in the Insurer Innovation category of The World’s Digital Insurance Awards 2024!
The finalists will now prepare to present their innovations at the live finals, which will be held via a webinar, on 7th November at 1:00-4:00 PM EST. You’re warmly invited to join us then to hear from the finalists and to cast your vote for your favourite entry.
Americas is the last of our 3 regional finals, and the 3 category winners will have the opportunity to progress to compete in the global finals later in the year.
Insurer Innovation Category
The Insurer Innovation category recognises established insurers & reinsurers who are proud of their digital innovations. We have received interesting and diverse entries in the category this year, evidence that our industry is engaging with the benefits of digitally transforming our industry!
Congratulations to the Americas regional finalists in the Insurer Innovation category!:
You can review all the entries via the links provided below, but the best way to get involved is to read this article to get a preview, and then attend the event live to listen to the InsurTechs showcasing their innovations and then vote for the winner. Please register here to join the live event.
Second best is to watch the recordings we will release after the event.
More info on the this Award submission is available here
More info on the this Award submission is available here
More info on the this Award submission is available here
More info on the this Award submission is available here